Setting SQL Server certificate using Ansible

this us usually implemented as Ansible role ansible-role-win-sql-certificate ├── defaults │   └── main.yml ├── handlers │   └── main.yml ├── tasks │   ├── get-first-certificate-thumbprint-issued-by.yml │   ├── get-first-certificate-thumbprint.yml │   └── main.yml . . . . .

Single Sign-On for web apps using Authelia

Authelia MFA

Authelia is an open-source authentication and authorization server and portal fulfilling the identity and access management (IAM) role of information security in providing multi-factor authentication and single sign-on (SSO) for your applications via a web portal. It acts a a…

How to prepare a azure service principal

you can create an azure service principal for example using Azure CLI or using App registrations in AzureAD.We only cover creating it with Azure CLI. Create service principal using Azure CLI Login into Azure Create service principal. Feel free to adjust the name.…